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Chris Müller
Software developer with passion - for more than 20 years at home on the web: PHP, CSS and JavaScript are my area of expertise. My first contact with TYPO3 - a content management system - was back in 2006, followed by many website projects based on this extensive CMS. I came to JobRouter in 2014 - first as a product developer, then responsible for the technical implementation of the JobRouter website based on TYPO3. The two systems are linked via TYPO3 extensions, so that it is easy, for example, to synchronize data records from JobData tables to the website or to start a process instance in a JobRouter® installation after submitting a form. This marketplace is also based on TYPO3 and is strongly linked to JobRouter®. The TYPO3 extensions and other libraries for working with JobRouter® are available on this marketplace under an open source license.
- Website: github.com
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